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Stay Details
Travel Dates:
Arrival (Check in)
Departure (Check out)
Number of Person(s)
Children (Age under 9 Year)
Infants(Age under 2 Year)

Booking Restrictions of Maximum 4 Nights Apply
For multiple rooms please choose Travel Dates then proceed to next window!
You can book up to 6 rooms online.
Maximum stay of 4 nights for online booking.
Please contact us for more information regarding a longer stay or more rooms.
Hat Rock Inn requires a VALID CREDIT CARD on file at the time of booking and the balance due on day of arrival.  Penalty for cancellations inside of 24 hours prior to arrival is one night's room and tax. Reservations with an invalid credit card will be cancelled morning of arrival. NO SMOKING/NO PETS in rooms. $250.00 charge per incident.
Check in: No earlier than 3 PM
Check Out: 11 AM Firm!
Pool & other property access not available after check out.
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